Some of Our Favorite Photos Click on a photo below to start a slide show. You can view them individually by clicking on a photo to stop automatic scrolling. These were taken by us, and by friends where indicated. A Walk Up The MountainNovember 15, 2017 Santa Fe Cleanup DayApril 21, 2017 MiscAugust 29, 2016 Guanaja & Roatan in the Bay IslandsAugust 22, 2016 Igor’s PhotosAugust 21, 2016 Villas Pico BonitoSeptember 1, 2015 Cayos CochinosFebruary 20, 2015 MacCaw Mountain – CopanSeptember 20, 2013 CopanAugust 22, 2006 San Pedro SulaJune 1, 2006